“Life is a big guru.”
Raj, Venture Capitalist
“There’s nothing that’s gets to me like a wasted brain!”
Emelia, Journalist
Raj, Venture Capitalist
Emelia, Journalist
Natasha D
Joanna, Brockley
Anonymous, Istanbul
Anthony, 32, Restaurant Owner, Ireland
Anonymous, France
John, Expat, USA
Johnnie, Retail
Julie, 49, mum of four
Jason A, New York City
Richard, 38, Journalist
Mon & Al, Teachers
Seb, Advertising
Jason, Notting Hill
Anonymous, Ireland
Greg, Islington
Anonymous, Librarian who moonlights as a poker player
Cat & James, (the above two) jamesandcat.com
Andrea, 43
Leena, Bombay, India
Graham, Maldives
Jonathan Pico, Actor, Spain
Matthew, Texas
Shivani, PR Officer