Wednesday 02/02/11

“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Shakespeare

Sian, 20, Student, Liverpool

“Stop thinking and start doing.”

Peter, Advertising

“Beware of what you wish, for it may be granted to you.”

Ines, Lawyer, Portugal

“Never water another man’s whiskey!”


Tuesday 01/02/11

“May your joy be as deep as the ocean, and your sorrow as light as its foam.”

Professor Elspeth Garman, Molecular Biophysics

“You can always park closer than you think.”

Alex, IT, Consultant

“The bells of Chelsea, sounding across the river bring a fantastic English country village feel to the heart of London.”

Tim, Chelsea resident

“If you aim for the stars you will land in the trees, if you aim for the trees you will land on the ground.”

Tara, Barrister, Hammersmith

“A watch is an object which limits your freedom, do not wear one.”

Santiago F, Finance, Spain

Monday 31/01/11

“There’s no point living in London if you’re not going to use it to its full potential.”

Tony, Media Sales (out on a Monday night!)

“I don’t need to justify myself to people with limited intellect!”

V  Mittal, India

“Tip to the over 80s: never try to put your socks on standing up.”

Alistair R  (the former Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington gave this quote to the passenger many years ago.)

Thursday 27/01/11

“What really matters is what you do with what you have.”

Jon, Financial Media

“The sexual drive of the camel
Is greater than anyone thinks;
In moments of sexual passion,
He often makes love to the Sphinx.
But the nethermost parts of that creature
Are hid in the sands of the Nile;
Which accounts for the hump of the camel,
And the Sphinx’s inscrutable smile.”

Caroline, Marketing, Snaresbrook,

Tuesday 25/01/11

“Nobody dies a virgin… life f**ks us all!” Kurt Cobain


“If you make a target, don’t give up, just go for it.”

Zhangir, Kazakhstan

“Advice for cab drivers (but not necessarily this one) keep your mouth shut and your ears open.”

Steve, 56, Social Researcher, Bristol

“My neighbour keeps knocking at my door at 02.30 am every day. Luckily I’m still up playing the drums!”

Alistair, Torquay

Monday 24/01/11

“Understanding change is the essence of growth.”

Andrew, Specialized Drum Maker,

“Always be nice to people on the way up, otherwise it’s very bumpy on the way down.”

Grant, London

“Sometimes you eat the bar, sometimes the bar eats you.”


“I don’t want to write something cheesy, because I want to write a sophisticated quote…. that’s why I’m still thinking!”

Sabina, Student, Azerbaijan

Friday 21/01/11

“Politeness is not a constriction;  it is a grace. It is no worse than an exercise of the imagination on someone else’s behalf.”

Katy T

“When in doubt leave it out.”

Two old codgers from Bristol (as they describe themselves!)

“I just need some time.”

Lewis B