Monday 21/03/11

“The more you travel, the easier it is to get on with people!”

Ally P

“When things fall apart and we’re on the verge of we know not what, the test of each of us is to stay on that brink and not concretize. The spiritual journey is not about heaven and finally getting to a place that’s really swell.” Pema Chödron, from her book “When Things Fall Apart”

Lucy A

“The Wibbly Wobbly is a bar on a barge, at Greenland Dock, Surrey Quays.”


Driver:  How are you?

Passenger:  Mustn’t complain, but don’t ask me twice or I’ll have to tell you.”


Friday 18/03/11

“Be yourself and don’t try to imitate yourself.”

Olivier, Banking

“Each one stands alone on the heart of the earth. Pierced by a ray of the sun; And suddenly it is evening. – Salvatore Quasimodo …

Anonymous, Italy

“Irren ist menschlich” – “To err is human” “Everyone can be wrong once.”

Sarah, Germany

“Keep your feet warm, keep your head cool, and don’t think so deeply.”

Anonymous, Turkey

Wednesday 16/03/11

“I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.” Winston Churchill


“A little bit of what you like will keep you happy.”

Dan, IT Director

“We had a great long quote but the meter was running so we didn’t have time to write it!”


Monday 14/03/11

“You will have to think positive to make your day/life positive.”

Jesper, 46, Sales, Denmark

“That money talks,

I’ll not deny,

I heard it once:

It said, Goodbye” Richard Armour


“Life is a privilege.”


Friday 11/03/11

Our hearts and thoughts are with the Japanese people at this difficult time….

“We are all inherently good people, but we are all lost in this neon wilderness.”

“People like this man are diamonds in the rough. Angels do walk amongst men.”

Colin O’Shaughnessy (the above two)

“Make love not war. But clean up afterwards!!!”

Deborah & Gavin, Shelf Stackers

“Drunken mans words are a sober mans thoughts.”

Alex C

“When I turned thirty I was miserable. I wish someone had told me when I was in my twenties, that everything would be alright… because it was.”
