Thursday 02/06/11

“I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for someone I’m not.” Kurt Cobain

Amelia, Student

“The only thing you can do in the building game in ten minutes, is take a tea break, and that takes fifteen minutes!”

Big B, Building Industry

Tuesday 31/05/11

“Even though I’m getting older, I’m still learning.”

“A healthy spirit in a healthy body.”

Christine, Greece (the above two)

“Give me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can’t, and the good fortune not to f**k up too many times!”

Anonymous, Acton

Friday 27/05/11


“Our human mummy tells us – The meaning of life is to be happy. You will be happy if you make the most of what you’ve got.”

Artemis & Apollo (pictured above)

“Give me the ability to let go of the things I can’t change, the courage to change those I can, and the wisdom to distinguish between the two.”

Claudia & Rahul, Atlanta

Passenger : Oh just one more love… it’s not a big one.

Driver: Have you thought about the logistics of this?

The conversation that took place when Franki & Tom attempted to put three mountain bikes (supposedly foldable) into the back of my cab

Thursday 26/05/11

“Acts of kindness, no matter how small, will always have a positive effect, even if you don’t notice it. Opening a door for someone, offering your seat, or smiling do wonders for people, especially in London.”

Christine, 38, Engineering Design

“The vivacity of a vulture, were it a crow it would not be alive.”


Tuesday 24/05/11

“Life’s hard enough without other people making it more difficult, help people!!”

Alan, IT Consultant

“A man is only as faithful as his options.” Chris Rock, Comedian

Caitriona, Art Broker

“Women are but a fickle thing always.”

Roddy, City Worker

Monday 23/05/11

“I never let schooling interfere with my education.” Mark Twain

Moz, 41, Layabout

“I’m the best of the best; at least my husband told me that.”

Kate, 25

“Best attitude of life ‘You learn as long as you live.’”

Pekka, Corporate Life, Finland

“Don’t lie, don’t cheat, and don’t get caught.”

Rolf Kristian

“Nothing is forever, tough days either.”

M.A, 47, Economist, Argentina

Special thanks to Roya A

Friday 20/05/11

“Loves young dream is alive and well, let’s not piss on its embers”

Elizabeth, Director of Sales Political Risk Consultancy

“We are were we are.”

Kim, Telecommunications

“First you are young, then middle aged, then you are old, lastly you are wonderful.”

Helen, 34 today!

“Make sure you do things that make you happy.”

Dee, Marketing

Tuesday 17/05/11

“Just because we change does not mean we improve.

Robert Hickson, Alcohol & Drugs Counsellor

“They laughed at Da Vinci.”

Dominic & Chris

“Don’t bet your heart in other people, they’ll always let you down.”

John, 31, IT

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Emily & Bridget, Nurse & Student, USA