RUFUS WAINWRIGHT – http://www.rufuswainwright.com
BLACK CAB SESSIONS – http://www.blackcabsessions.com/
RUFUS WAINWRIGHT – http://www.rufuswainwright.com
BLACK CAB SESSIONS – http://www.blackcabsessions.com/
Anonymous Australian, West Hamstead (the above two)
Edmond H, Hong Kong & London
Ash, Project Manager
Coco, Dentist, Germany
Jenny Jones, Green Party Politician
Alice, Journalist
Megan, Reporter
Chloe Norgaard, Model, New York City
Heini & Beinta, Fisherman & Photographer, Faroe Islands
Anonymous (the above two)
Rob Strange, CEO, Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Amy, 27, Media Officer
Stuart, Proud Dad
London Ex Boxers Association
Alesea, CFO
Billie, Jessica, Laura, Lucy & Selina, Fashion Students (pictured above)
Lisa, North America
Hugh, Lawyer
Michael Dale, Author of “Rude Awakening” – http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rude-Awakening-ebook/dp/B0072WD4LG
Kyle,31, E commerce (the above two)
Celeste, 31
Andrew, Banking, De Beauvoir Town
Anonymous, Designers, Petersham