“You can’t take it with you. So enjoy!”
Clare M
Clare M
Cybher 2012
On Saturday 12th May, hundreds of female bloggers attended CYBHER 2012, the UK’s first all inclusive female blogger event at 8 Northumberland Avenue (Trafalgar square).
So what does that have to do with me?
Back in October 2011, one of the event organisers (Sian) hailed my taxi and creatively contributed to Black Cab Quotes. She then proceeded to invite me to be a speaker at Cybher 2012.
At this point, long-term friends of mine will probably be in fits of laughter wishing that they could have been a fly on the wall observing yours truly attempting to deliver a 45-minute speech, which included questions and answers at the end! I have no issues in admitting that I was a little apprehensive before and during my speech (I wasn’t just representing the London taxi trade but the male species as well!) However, an amazingly supportive audience added to an event vibe that cleverly combined professionalism with a warm informal atmosphere enabled me to share my blogging story. 😉
Inspire – “Tales from a Black Cab”
My session came into the “inspire” category “Tales from a Black Cab” and I would like to thank all those who attended. I received some great feedback about where Black Cab Quotes could go in the future, and really enjoyed being described by a lady called Ellen, as “someone who blogs for happiness”. Ellen’s book “Blogging for Happiness” and her blog are well worth checking out.
“Somebody once told me”
Mario Cacciottolo (Another speaker) gave a great portrait photography workshop at Cybher2012. Mario also has a fascinating blog called “Somebody once told me” the picture above of Katie gives a brief example of how his project operates.
Cybher quotes!
Never one to resist the opportunity to collect new quotes and proverbs, I cheekily passed my clipboard around during the Q & A part of my taxi tale session. Below are some extracts of what I collected.
Thanks ladies, you’ve done me proud….
“If you aren’t sure, just blog about it and you’ll find out.”
“Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.”Roger Miller
“Chin up. Press on.”
“Without change, there would be no butterflies.”
“Always make decisions on what you know today, you can’t know what you will learn tomorrow.”
“The illiterate of the future is not the person who cannot read, but the person who cannot learn.”
“Things happen for a reason, if you can’t make a choice, fate has a good way of putting you where you need to be.”
“Espresso to the Italians is what champagne is to the French!” teaandbiscotti
What a magical, memorable, & pioneering event Cybher 2012 was, everybody who attended contributed something in one form or another.
Massive congratulations to the Cybher team, and all those who attended.
Bring on Cybher 2013!
Muscians, film crew, and cab driver, all up and doing their thing before midday on a Monday??? Now that’s dedication!!
You know the rules by now; keep an eye on the “Black Cab Sessions” website, as they’ll upload these three sessions in the near future. http://www.blackcabsessions.com
Chris C, Indiana, USA
Eleri, Location Manager
James, Boston, USA (Newly wed)
Justina, Lithuania
Tweeted to Black Cab Quotes from “The Black Cab Poet” – http://www.myspace.com/michaelspoems
Charles, 29, Stockbroker
Elliot, IT, Auditor, Sheffield
Giles, 22, Trader