Tuesday 16/10/12

“Rise and rise until the lambs become lions.”

Adam, Director

“I think everybody should be a bit more relaxed and then life is gonna be a bit more enjoyable.”

Victoria, Russia

“Ignorance is structure-less knowledge.” Nietzsche

Hannah, 40, TV Producer

“Theology is unnecessary.” Stephen Hawkins

Matt, New Zealand

“Get hard or die trying.”

Curtis, Natalie, Sue, & Fred, Manchester

“Sing like nobody is listening, dance like nobody is watching, love like you’ve never been hurt, live like heaven on earth.”


Black Cab Quotes wishes NATALIE a very happy 30th birthday

Saturday 13/10/12

“Life is a book, and those who do not travel only read one page.”

Jo & Tim, Stockwell

“There are a lot of people on the bus without a ticket.”

Anonymous, Soldier, just returned from Afghanistan

“We will never be younger than we are today!”

Sabina M, Latvia

Friday 12/10/12

“Only dull people look bright in the morning.” Oscar Wilde


“Buy cheap, buy twice.”

Anonymous Streatham

“May the road rise to meet you.” Irish proverb

“It’s not the venue you’re in, it’s the company you’re with.”

Orla, 34, Ireland (the above two)

Tuesday 09/10/12

“If your heart is in it, your mind and body will follow.”


“The very meaninglessness of life forces man to create his own meaning.”
Stanley Kubrik

However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.” Stanley Kubrik

Anonymous (the above two)

Monday 08/10/12


“The most important thing at any moment is to sacrifice what you are for what you could become.” Anais Nin

Kate Johnson, USA, 2004 Olympic silver medallist (Rowing)

“Belive you’re the best or know one else will.”

Will A, Isle of Man

Saturday 06/10/12

Symbolic gallery's "Johnnie Angelini" gets his teeth stuck into "Black Cab Wisdom"

  “You kiss by th’ebook.” Shakespeare

Francesca, 19, student, Italy

“For everything that is cheap, there is a reason – there is a myth to the madness.”

Ricardo, 24, Brazil

“In every joke, there is a little bit of joke.”

Lidia, 30, entrepreneur, Croatia

“Modernity of confession = back of cab.”

